Yates 2004

Yates, L. & Anderson-Berry, L. 2004. The Societal and Environmental Impacts of Cyclone Zoe and the Effectiveness of the Tropical Cyclone Warning Systems in Tikopia and Anuta, Solomon Islands. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 19. 16-20.


  author  = {Yates, L. & Anderson-Berry, L.},
  journal = {The Australian Journal of Emergency Management},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {16-20},
  title   = {The Societal and Environmental Impacts of Cyclone Zoe and the Effectiveness of the Tropical Cyclone Warning Systems in Tikopia and Anuta, Solomon Islands},
  url     = {http://search.informit.com.au.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/documentSummary;dn=373087390716104;res=ielhss},
  volume  = {19},
  year    = {2004}