Terrill, A. & Dunn, M. 2003. Orthographic Design in the Solomon Islands: The Social, Historical and Linguistic Situation of Touo (Baniata). Written Language and Literacy 6. 177-192.
@article{terrilldunn2003, author = {Terrill, A. & Dunn, M.}, journal = {Written Language and Literacy}, number = {2}, pages = {177-192}, title = {Orthographic Design in the Solomon Islands: The Social, Historical and Linguistic Situation of Touo (Baniata)}, url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/content/jbp/wll/2003/00000006/00000002/art00002}, volume = {6}, year = {2003} }