Otto 1998

Otto, T. 1998. Local Narratives of a Great Transformation: Conversion to Christianity in Manus, Papua New Guinea. Folk: Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society 40. 71-97.'/eHRAF/ethnography/Oceania/OM06')&docId=om06-012&tocOffsetId=tocPubInfoP

  author  = {Otto, T.},
  journal = {Folk: Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society},
  pages   = {71-97},
  title   = {Local Narratives of a Great Transformation: Conversion to Christianity in Manus, Papua New Guinea},
  url     = {'/eHRAF/ethnography/Oceania/OM06')&docId=om06-012&tocOffsetId=tocPubInfoP},
  volume  = {40},
  year    = {1998}