Lee 2004

Lee, H. C. 2004. A Survey of Language Ability, Language Use and Language Attitudes of Young Aborigines in Taiwan. In Hoffman, C. and Ytsma, J. (eds.), Trilingualism in Family, School and Community. Trowbridge, U.K: Cromwell Press Ltd.


  address   = {Trowbridge, U.K},
  author    = {Lee, H. C.},
  booktitle = {Trilingualism in Family, School and Community},
  editor    = {Hoffman, C. and Ytsma, J.},
  publisher = {Cromwell Press Ltd},
  title     = {A Survey of Language Ability, Language Use and Language Attitudes of Young Aborigines in Taiwan},
  url       = {http://books.google.co.nz/books?hl=en&lr=&id=GwuMU4TSickC&oi=fnd&pg=PA101&dq=lee+language+ability+taiwan&ots=SZ1nudr059&sig=mIbZgx9Wcf7VbnxS_vG7qCojKqY#v=onepage&q=lee%20language%20ability%20taiwan&f=false},
  year      = {2004}