Kartomi 2001

Kartomi, M. 2001. Music culture of central, western and eastern Manggarai (western Flores) Part 2: Change in Manggarai music and ritual in the twentieth century. Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 35. 61-98.


  author  = {Kartomi, M.},
  journal = {Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {61-98},
  title   = {Music culture of central, western and eastern Manggarai (western Flores) Part 2: Change in Manggarai music and ritual in the twentieth century},
  url     = {http://search.informit.com.au/fullText;dn=200204983;res=IELAPA},
  volume  = {35},
  year    = {2001}