Dunbar, P. and Mungov, G. and Kong, L. and McCullough, H. and Harris, E. 2013. Preliminary 2013 Solomon Islands Earthquake and Tsunami Data Report and Historical Retrospective. In Kontar, Y.A. and Santiago-Fandino, V. and Takahashi, T. (eds.), Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned.
@incollection{dunbaretal2014, author = {Dunbar, P. and Mungov, G. and Kong, L. and McCullough, H. and Harris, E.}, booktitle = {Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned}, editor = {Kontar, Y.A. and Santiago-Fandino, V. and Takahashi, T.}, title = {Preliminary 2013 Solomon Islands Earthquake and Tsunami Data Report and Historical Retrospective}, url = {http://link.springer.com.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/book/10.1007/978-94-007-7269-4}, year = {2013} }