Davenport 1969

Davenport, W. 1969. Social organization notes on the Northern Santa Cruz Islands: The Main Reef Islands. Baessler-Archiv: Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, Neue folge 17. 151-243.


  author  = {Davenport, W.},
  journal = {Baessler-Archiv: Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, Neue folge},
  number  = {42},
  pages   = {151-243},
  title   = {Social organization notes on the Northern Santa Cruz Islands: The Main Reef Islands},
  url     = {https://ehrafworldcultures-yale-edu/ehrafe/citation.do?method=citation&forward=browseCulturesFullContext&col=collection(%27/eHRAF/ethnography/Oceania/ON13%27)&docId=on13-011&tocOffsetId=tocPubInfoP},
  volume  = {17},
  year    = {1969}