Alarcón and Scott 1965

Alarcón, F. R. and Scott, W. H. 1965. 'A Description of the Customs of the Peoples of Kiangan, Bunhian and Mayoyao, 1857,' by Fray Ruperto Alarcón. Journal of the Folklore Institute 2. 78-100.

  author  = {Alarcón, F. R. and Scott, W. H.},
  journal = {Journal of the Folklore Institute},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {78-100},
  title   = {'A Description of the Customs of the Peoples of Kiangan, Bunhian and Mayoyao, 1857,' by Fray Ruperto Alarcón},
  url     = {},
  volume  = {2},
  year    = {1965}